Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Monday, October 5, 2009
About the Author - DR SHAARI ISA
Shaari Isa began his career as a teacher but went on to obtain an accountancy professional qualification and a doctoral degree in the same discipline. He began his teaching career at the Sultan Idris Training College (SITC) Tg Malim after completing the teacher training programme at the Kirkby College, near Liverpool England. It was while teaching at the SITC College that he began to write.
In 1962 Shaari was selected to undergo an undergraduate programme in the field of business, in New Zealand. He completed the programme with a specialisation in accountancy and was placed in the Ministry of Education. While in the Ministry he continued writing covering both academic as well as creative works.
Then he went on to serve as the bursar/financial controller at the newly opened Universiti Utara Malaysia (Northern University). But his interest in writing did not diminish. His close involvement within the academic environment encouraged him to seek higher qualification.
He left the country again to do his master degree followed by the doctoral programme. On his return he served as an accounting lecturer at the UIA and the UM. Shaari has an equal love for both literary and academic writings. His works include essays and journal articles; school, college and university texts; short stories and novels. His writings, in particular his essays and novels reflect his deep concern for social order, clear thinking and human happiness.
About the Author - DR SHAARI ISA
Shaari Isa began his career as a teacher but went on to obtain an accountancy professional qualification and a doctoral degree in the same discipline. He began his teaching career at the Sultan Idris Training College (SITC) Tg Malim after completing the teacher training programme at the Kirkby College, near Liverpool England. It was while teaching at the SITC College that he began to write.
In 1962 Shaari was selected to undergo an undergraduate programme in the field of business, in New Zealand. He completed the programme with a specialisation in accountancy and was placed in the Ministry of Education. While in the Ministry he continued writing covering both academic as well as creative works.
Then he went on to serve as the bursar/financial controller at the newly opened Universiti Utara Malaysia (Northern University). But his interest in writing did not diminish. His close involvement within the academic environment encouraged him to seek higher qualification.
He left the country again to do his master degree followed by the doctoral programme. On his return he served as an accounting lecturer at the UIA and the UM. Shaari has an equal love for both literary and academic writings. His works include essays and journal articles; school, college and university texts; short stories and novels. His writings, in particular his essays and novels reflect his deep concern for social order, clear thinking and human happiness.
Saturday, August 1, 2009
The following is the extract speech by YAB Tan Sri Muhyiddin Hj Yassin, Timbalan Perdana Menteri merangkap Menteri Pelajaran Malaysia
Maktab Kirkby merupakan satu eksperimen pendidikan yang unik di mana sebuah negara asing dibenarkan membuka sebuah Maktab Latihan Guru di England pada tahun 1951. Maktab Kirkby telah diikhtiraf oleh Malaysia Book Of Records sebagai “maktab latihan guru dalam bahasa Inggeris yang pertama di Malaya”. Maktab ini beroperasi selama 10 tahun (1952 - 1962) dan telah memberi latihan perguruan kepada lebih 1,500 guru pelatih (trainee teachers) dan 405 guru pelatih (teacher trainers).
Saya dimaklumkan bahawa Maktab Kirkby mendapat bantuan pakar daripada Institut Of Education, University of Liverpool. Pensyarah-pensyarah yang berpengalaman, kurikulum dan kokurikulum digubal khas bagi melatih guru Malaya menggunapakai silibus yang moden, termasuk sesi latihan mengajar di sekolah-sekolah Inggeris, pendedahan kepada tamadun serta gaya hidup Barat yang berdisplin, semua ini telah berjaya melahirkan guru-guru yang hebat dan cemerlang (outstanding).
Saya dimaklumkan oleh Tan Sri Dr Yahaya bahawa Maktab Kirkby yang berbilang bangsa dan agama ini merupakan “miniature Malaya” dan di sinilah semangat “One Malaya” dan “Malaya Boleh” mula disemai dan bercambah subur apabila mereka balik mengajar di seluruh Malaya.
Sekalong Tahniah kepada Persatuan Alumni Maktab Kirkby yang telah menerbitkan buku “Kirkby College – A Heritage” – satu usaha untuk mengumpul dan mendokumentasikan sejarah, peranan dan sumbangan lulusan Maktab Kirkby kepada bidang pendidikan negara kita, khasnya ketika negara baharu merdeka (formative years of education system).
Buku ini juga menjejaki karier dan sumbangan cemerlang bekas pelajar Kirkby dalam pelbagai bidang kehidupan khasnya dalam bidang pendidikan dan perguruan. Saya dapati ramai juga bekas guru Kirkby yang terlibat dalam pentadbiran, undang-undang, perniagaan dan politik, yang secara tidak langsung membuktikan kebolehan versatility guru yang ternyata boleh juga berjaya dalam kerjaya lain daripada guru sekolah.
Di sini izinkan saya memberi pengiktirafan (recognition) kepada beberapa tokoh Kirkby yang telah memberi sumbangan besar kepada masyarakat:
a. Tan Sri Dr Yahaya sebagai pelopor dan bekas pemimpin gabungan persatuan pendidikan tinggi swasta `(MAPCU = Malaysian Association of Private Colleges and Universities),
b. Tan Sri G. Vadiveloo sebagai wakil rakyat dan bekas Yang Dipertua Dewan Negara (1992-94),
c. Datuk Baharuddin Marji yang terlibat dalam pengajuran Musabaqah Al-Quran sejak 1971 hingga sekarang,
d. Sasterawan Negara Datuk Noordin Hassan Tokoh Budayawan Negara terkenal dalam bidang teater,
e. Dato Dr M. Thambirajah pengasas Sri Muragan Centre (NGO Pelajaran yang memberi tuisyen percuma kepada lebih 13,000 pelajar India yang miskin),
f. Dato K.N Nadarajah bekas duta Malaysia ke Moroko dan Iraq,
g. Zainal Arshad Zainul Abidin yang pernah menjadi Pengarah Jabatan Pelancongan (TDC) di England selama 10 tahun (1977-86)
h. Raju Nagalinggam sebagai Coach FIFA (bolasepak),
i. Dr Shaari Isa yang telah menulis lebih 40 buah buku akademik dan novel sejarah termasuk novel “Kirkby : the Life and Loves” yang saya lancarkan pada majlis ini.
j. Mokhtar Daud antara pelopor penerbit di Radio Malaya pada tahun 1960-an hingga era RTM (ayah kepada Tan Sri Azman Mokhtar, Khazanah Negara).
Saya telah membaca sepintas lalu buku tersebut dan dapat gambaran positif bahawa sumbang bakti guru-guru Kirkby cukup besar – mereka bertugas dengan penuh dedikasi pada tahun 1950-an dan 1960-an ketika sekolah-sekolah masih daif dan kemudahan pengajaran masih kurang. Walaupun negara kita masih mundur ketika itu dan tahap keselamatan agak membimbangkan (zaman Dharurat 1948-1960) kehadiran guru-guru Kirkby yang terlatih (dari England) dalam bilik-bilik darjah membawa satu pembaharuan dan kesegaran kepada sistem pelajaran, malah satu kayu ukur (bench mark) atau KPI kepada guru-guru yang lain. Pemilihan 4 bekas pelajar Kirkby sebagai Tokoh Guru Kebangsaan: Harith Liki (1988), Idris Tain (1990), Lau Hut Yee (1992) dan Dr Yahaya Ibrahim (1998) membuktikan kejayaan lulusan Kirby dalam bidang pendidikan. Guru Kirkby juga membawa standard yang lebih tinggi sebagai guru sukan di padang sekolah, sebagai guru kokurikulum, sebagai pentadbir pendidikan (guru besar dan pengetua maktab, pengelola dan Nazir sekolah, sebagai pengarah pelajaran dan sebagainya).
Saya menerima baik cadangan Tan Sri Yahaya supaya Kementerian Pelajaran meningkatkan penguasaan mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggeris selain mengukuhkan kedudukan bahasa Melayu sebagai bahasa penghantar dalam sistem pelajaran negara kita. Mungkin dalam usaha kita memperkukuhkan bahasa Inggeris sebagai bahasa kedua ialah dengan mewajibkan lulus dalam mata pelajaran bahasa Inggeris dalam peperiksaan SPM. Ini cadangan sahaja dan saya perlu mendapat maklumbalas daripada pelbagai pihak khasnya daripada ibu bapa dan juga perlu kita adakan persediaan yang secukupnya jika syarat ini hendak dilaksanakan.
Saya berharap Persatuan Alumni Maktab Kirkby Malaysia sebagai NGO yang terlibat dalam pendidikan dapat memainkan peranan sebagai jambatan yang menghubung antara Kementerian Pelajaran dengan guru-guru Kirkby yang telah bersara, supaya Kerajaan dapat memanfaatkan segala pengalaman yang telah terkumpul selama lebih 30 tahun berkhidmat sebagai guru dan pensyarah. Saya percaya masalah kekurangan guru Inggeris dapat diatasi jika kepakaran dan pengalaman lebih kurang 2,000 guru Kirkby dan 2,000 guru Brinsford Lodge dapat kita manfaatkan melalui Skim Pasca Perkhidmatan ini.
Sekian, dengan lafaz Bismillah Hirrahman Nirrahim saya rasmikan Mesyuarat Agung Penubuhan Persatuan Alumni Maktab Kirkby Malaysia dan saya doakan semoga persatuan ini akan memberi manfaat kepada ahli-ahlinya dan juga dapat memberi sumbang bakti kepada bidang pendidikan dan juga kepada seluruh masyarakat.
Wabillahi-Taufik walhidayah, assalamualaikum dan salam sejahtera.
Tan Sri Muhyiddin Hj Yassin
Menteri Pelajaran Malaysia
Maktab Kirkby merupakan satu eksperimen pendidikan yang unik di mana sebuah negara asing dibenarkan membuka sebuah Maktab Latihan Guru di England pada tahun 1951. Maktab Kirkby telah diikhtiraf oleh Malaysia Book Of Records sebagai “maktab latihan guru dalam bahasa Inggeris yang pertama di Malaya”. Maktab ini beroperasi selama 10 tahun (1952 - 1962) dan telah memberi latihan perguruan kepada lebih 1,500 guru pelatih (trainee teachers) dan 405 guru pelatih (teacher trainers).
Saya dimaklumkan bahawa Maktab Kirkby mendapat bantuan pakar daripada Institut Of Education, University of Liverpool. Pensyarah-pensyarah yang berpengalaman, kurikulum dan kokurikulum digubal khas bagi melatih guru Malaya menggunapakai silibus yang moden, termasuk sesi latihan mengajar di sekolah-sekolah Inggeris, pendedahan kepada tamadun serta gaya hidup Barat yang berdisplin, semua ini telah berjaya melahirkan guru-guru yang hebat dan cemerlang (outstanding).
Saya dimaklumkan oleh Tan Sri Dr Yahaya bahawa Maktab Kirkby yang berbilang bangsa dan agama ini merupakan “miniature Malaya” dan di sinilah semangat “One Malaya” dan “Malaya Boleh” mula disemai dan bercambah subur apabila mereka balik mengajar di seluruh Malaya.
Sekalong Tahniah kepada Persatuan Alumni Maktab Kirkby yang telah menerbitkan buku “Kirkby College – A Heritage” – satu usaha untuk mengumpul dan mendokumentasikan sejarah, peranan dan sumbangan lulusan Maktab Kirkby kepada bidang pendidikan negara kita, khasnya ketika negara baharu merdeka (formative years of education system).
Buku ini juga menjejaki karier dan sumbangan cemerlang bekas pelajar Kirkby dalam pelbagai bidang kehidupan khasnya dalam bidang pendidikan dan perguruan. Saya dapati ramai juga bekas guru Kirkby yang terlibat dalam pentadbiran, undang-undang, perniagaan dan politik, yang secara tidak langsung membuktikan kebolehan versatility guru yang ternyata boleh juga berjaya dalam kerjaya lain daripada guru sekolah.
Di sini izinkan saya memberi pengiktirafan (recognition) kepada beberapa tokoh Kirkby yang telah memberi sumbangan besar kepada masyarakat:
a. Tan Sri Dr Yahaya sebagai pelopor dan bekas pemimpin gabungan persatuan pendidikan tinggi swasta `(MAPCU = Malaysian Association of Private Colleges and Universities),
b. Tan Sri G. Vadiveloo sebagai wakil rakyat dan bekas Yang Dipertua Dewan Negara (1992-94),
c. Datuk Baharuddin Marji yang terlibat dalam pengajuran Musabaqah Al-Quran sejak 1971 hingga sekarang,
d. Sasterawan Negara Datuk Noordin Hassan Tokoh Budayawan Negara terkenal dalam bidang teater,
e. Dato Dr M. Thambirajah pengasas Sri Muragan Centre (NGO Pelajaran yang memberi tuisyen percuma kepada lebih 13,000 pelajar India yang miskin),
f. Dato K.N Nadarajah bekas duta Malaysia ke Moroko dan Iraq,
g. Zainal Arshad Zainul Abidin yang pernah menjadi Pengarah Jabatan Pelancongan (TDC) di England selama 10 tahun (1977-86)
h. Raju Nagalinggam sebagai Coach FIFA (bolasepak),
i. Dr Shaari Isa yang telah menulis lebih 40 buah buku akademik dan novel sejarah termasuk novel “Kirkby : the Life and Loves” yang saya lancarkan pada majlis ini.
j. Mokhtar Daud antara pelopor penerbit di Radio Malaya pada tahun 1960-an hingga era RTM (ayah kepada Tan Sri Azman Mokhtar, Khazanah Negara).
Saya telah membaca sepintas lalu buku tersebut dan dapat gambaran positif bahawa sumbang bakti guru-guru Kirkby cukup besar – mereka bertugas dengan penuh dedikasi pada tahun 1950-an dan 1960-an ketika sekolah-sekolah masih daif dan kemudahan pengajaran masih kurang. Walaupun negara kita masih mundur ketika itu dan tahap keselamatan agak membimbangkan (zaman Dharurat 1948-1960) kehadiran guru-guru Kirkby yang terlatih (dari England) dalam bilik-bilik darjah membawa satu pembaharuan dan kesegaran kepada sistem pelajaran, malah satu kayu ukur (bench mark) atau KPI kepada guru-guru yang lain. Pemilihan 4 bekas pelajar Kirkby sebagai Tokoh Guru Kebangsaan: Harith Liki (1988), Idris Tain (1990), Lau Hut Yee (1992) dan Dr Yahaya Ibrahim (1998) membuktikan kejayaan lulusan Kirby dalam bidang pendidikan. Guru Kirkby juga membawa standard yang lebih tinggi sebagai guru sukan di padang sekolah, sebagai guru kokurikulum, sebagai pentadbir pendidikan (guru besar dan pengetua maktab, pengelola dan Nazir sekolah, sebagai pengarah pelajaran dan sebagainya).
Saya menerima baik cadangan Tan Sri Yahaya supaya Kementerian Pelajaran meningkatkan penguasaan mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggeris selain mengukuhkan kedudukan bahasa Melayu sebagai bahasa penghantar dalam sistem pelajaran negara kita. Mungkin dalam usaha kita memperkukuhkan bahasa Inggeris sebagai bahasa kedua ialah dengan mewajibkan lulus dalam mata pelajaran bahasa Inggeris dalam peperiksaan SPM. Ini cadangan sahaja dan saya perlu mendapat maklumbalas daripada pelbagai pihak khasnya daripada ibu bapa dan juga perlu kita adakan persediaan yang secukupnya jika syarat ini hendak dilaksanakan.
Saya berharap Persatuan Alumni Maktab Kirkby Malaysia sebagai NGO yang terlibat dalam pendidikan dapat memainkan peranan sebagai jambatan yang menghubung antara Kementerian Pelajaran dengan guru-guru Kirkby yang telah bersara, supaya Kerajaan dapat memanfaatkan segala pengalaman yang telah terkumpul selama lebih 30 tahun berkhidmat sebagai guru dan pensyarah. Saya percaya masalah kekurangan guru Inggeris dapat diatasi jika kepakaran dan pengalaman lebih kurang 2,000 guru Kirkby dan 2,000 guru Brinsford Lodge dapat kita manfaatkan melalui Skim Pasca Perkhidmatan ini.
Sekian, dengan lafaz Bismillah Hirrahman Nirrahim saya rasmikan Mesyuarat Agung Penubuhan Persatuan Alumni Maktab Kirkby Malaysia dan saya doakan semoga persatuan ini akan memberi manfaat kepada ahli-ahlinya dan juga dapat memberi sumbang bakti kepada bidang pendidikan dan juga kepada seluruh masyarakat.
Wabillahi-Taufik walhidayah, assalamualaikum dan salam sejahtera.
Tan Sri Muhyiddin Hj Yassin
Menteri Pelajaran Malaysia
1. President
Y.Bhg.Tan Sri Dato’ Seri Dr Yahya Ibrahim
2 Jalan BU 10/4 Bandar Utama, 47800 P.J.
2. Vice. President
Dr Shaari Isa
E 7-9 Puncak Prima Condom, No 1 Jalan Sri Hartamas,
50480 Kuala Lumpur
3. Secretary
Mr David Thong
21 Lorong Aminuddin Baki Satu,
Taman Tun Dr Ismail, 60000 K.L.
4. Asst Secretary
Tuan Haji Othman Dahalan
2921 Jalan Enam, Kamansah Heights,
68000 Ampang, Selangor 03-41083103
5. Treasurer
Tuan Hj Md Kamaruddin Ibrahim
No 4 SS 1/23 B- Kg Tunku,
47300 Petaling Jaya
6. Tuan Hj Abdul Aziz Sultan
29 Jalan Belangkas Dua,
KG Pandan, 55100 KL
7. Encik Ahmad b Mohd Taib
BH 26 Elltis Teja, VALENCI,
47000 Sg Buluh, Selangor
8. Y.Bhg Dato’ Hj Baharuddin Marji
16 Lorong Utara, 46200 Petaling Jaya, Selangor
9. Y.Bhg. Tan Sri Dato’ G.Vadiveloo
12 Lorong Siputeh, 58000 Kuala Lumpur
10 Y.Bhg.Dato’ Dr Leslie Foo See Jork
A 3412 Lorong Alor Akar 40, 25250 Kuantan, Pahang
11. Tuan Hj Zainal Abidin Hj Abd Manaf
1018 Lorong Gunung Rapat 2, 31350 Ipoh,Perak
12 Tuan Hj Abd Aziz b Abd Hadi
134 Cabang Tiga, 22000 Jerteh, Trengganu
13 Y.Bhg.Dato’ Nik Ishak Nik Daud
4308-B Jln Kebun Chamerland 8/27, 15350 Kota Bharu,
14. Mr Satish Chand Bhandari
30 Changkat Minden,
Jalan 3, Minden Heights,
11700 Gelugor, Pulau Pinang
15. Tuan Hj Zainal Abidin b Mohamed
Anak Arshad Archtect,
148 Tmn.Wira Mergong,
05150 Alor Setar, Kedah
16. Mr Fung Mun Chin
143-2 Block G, Rampai Court,
Taman Sri Rampai Setapak,
53300 Kuala Lumpur
17. Mr Nadarajah
32 Jalan Teresek,
Bangsar Bahru, 59100 K.L.
Kirkby Alumni Objectives
The Objectives and the Background of the establishment of the Kirkby College Alumni Association, Malaysia (2008):
1. The establishment of the KCAAM is aimed at commemorating Half a Century of Educational Contributions towards the Malaysian National Aspiration (theme of the Grand Reunion Convention 2008) by the Kirkby College graduates (Kirkbyites).
2. To rekindle the spirit of the College with which the Kirkbyites had contributed to the nation for the past fifty years and are still contributing in the service of education.
3. To relive and to close the ranks of comradeship among the former students of Kirkby College made up of ten batches (1951-1962), numbering 1,500 in all. Among this quite a significant number has passed away.
4. To launch two coffee table books, one in Malay and the other in English, the former published by UPSI entitled “Warisan Maktab Kirkby 1951 – 1962” and the latter entitled “Kirkby College – A Heritage” by the Alumni. These two are important documents that contain the historical records of the development of Malaysian education, in particular, in the area of teacher education. These two books should be accorded proper recognition in school libraries, the libraries of teacher training institutes, institutes of higher learning and in public libraries locally and overseas.
5. To continue fostering the academic and professional cooperation with the University of Liverpool and the Liverpool John Moores University through the establishment of twinning programs with the Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris (UPSI), to be known as the Kirkby Programs.
6. To foster teacher education consistent with the Educational Development Master Plan (EDMP) and the National Higher Education Strategic Plan (NHESP) through the smart networking between the educators together with the Institutions in Malaysia and the educators together with the Institutions overseas, in particular, the United Kingdom.
7. Collective efforts with the aim of furthering teacher education by way of fostering closer cooperation between the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Higher Studies so as to maintain the image and the dignity of teachers and the teaching profession.
8. To put together the efforts of the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Higher Studies with the aim of fostering and enhancing the quality of teacher education in Malaysia and possibly later in the ASEAN region.
9. To plan towards putting Malaysia generally and the Malaysian education, in particular, into the edu-tourism world map.
10. To bring together the educational experts in annual or semi annual forums where educators the world over can meet, discuss and witness the development in the field of education and teacher education in Malaysia. This is done in conjunction with the conducted tours where the experts are taken around to see the progress of education here and then they are invited to give suggestions towards the enhancement of our teacher education.
11. To enhance the professionalism of teachers in Malaysia by exposing the local educators to the rapid progress and development in the field of teaching and learning at the international level through an educational Exposition.
12. To establish a fund called the Tabung Pelajaran Alumni Maktab Kirkby by which an annual award is presented to the most eligible local university graduate in the field of education and educational research.
13. To establish a private institute of higher education to be called Kirkby College.
14. To contribute towards the establishment of the National Educational Museum with the cooperation of the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Higher Studies and the Ministry of National Unity, Culture, Arts and Heritage (now changed) Malaysia. It is proposed that the suggested museum be located somewhere in the centre of Kuala Lumpur for easy access. For the time being, Kirkbyites are encouraged to send whatever materials they wish to contribute to the curator of Galleri Kirkby at UPSI.
15. To foster the cooperation between Malaya and England in the Kirkby project (1951 – 62) as a reference model arising from the bilateral and cross border cooperation which had been such a success in the transfer of teaching skills and enhancing of teacher education, from an advanced country (England) to a developing country (Malaya).
Full name:
I/C No:
Current Address
Home Tel. No:
Mobile Tel: No:
E-mail Address
Marital Status
Spouse’s name
Children of Kirkbyite
Secondary School
Years at Kirkby
Involvement in societies
Involvement in sports
Teaching practice at:
CAREER: Teachers at (schools)
Years of service
Non teaching Career
II hereby apply to be a member or associate member of Kirkby College Alumni Associationand agree to abide all rules of the association.
________________________ Name:…………………………………………..
Persatuan Alumni Maktab Kirkby Malaysia,
70 C Jalan SS21/35,
Damansara Utama,
47400 Petaling Jaya.
I enclose herewith a cheque/Money Order No: .......................... amounting to RM100.00 for the payment of being a member of Persatuan Alumni Maktab Kirkby Malaysia.
Name: ………………………………………………. Date: …………………………………..
1. President
Y.Bhg.Tan Sri Dato’ Seri Dr Yahya Ibrahim
2 Jalan BU 10/4 Bandar Utama, 47800 P.J.
2. Vice. President
Dr Shaari Isa
E 7-9 Puncak Prima Condom, No 1 Jalan Sri Hartamas,
50480 Kuala Lumpur
3. Secretary
Mr David Thong
21 Lorong Aminuddin Baki Satu,
Taman Tun Dr Ismail, 60000 K.L.
4. Asst Secretary
Tuan Haji Othman Dahalan
2921 Jalan Enam, Kamansah Heights,
68000 Ampang, Selangor 03-41083103
5. Treasurer
Tuan Hj Md Kamaruddin Ibrahim
No 4 SS 1/23 B- Kg Tunku,
47300 Petaling Jaya
6. Tuan Hj Abdul Aziz Sultan
29 Jalan Belangkas Dua,
KG Pandan, 55100 KL
7. Encik Ahmad b Mohd Taib
BH 26 Elltis Teja, VALENCI,
47000 Sg Buluh, Selangor
8. Y.Bhg Dato’ Hj Baharuddin Marji
16 Lorong Utara, 46200 Petaling Jaya, Selangor
9. Y.Bhg. Tan Sri Dato’ G.Vadiveloo
12 Lorong Siputeh, 58000 Kuala Lumpur
10 Y.Bhg.Dato’ Dr Leslie Foo See Jork
A 3412 Lorong Alor Akar 40, 25250 Kuantan, Pahang
11. Tuan Hj Zainal Abidin Hj Abd Manaf
1018 Lorong Gunung Rapat 2, 31350 Ipoh,Perak
12 Tuan Hj Abd Aziz b Abd Hadi
134 Cabang Tiga, 22000 Jerteh, Trengganu
13 Y.Bhg.Dato’ Nik Ishak Nik Daud
4308-B Jln Kebun Chamerland 8/27, 15350 Kota Bharu,
14. Mr Satish Chand Bhandari
30 Changkat Minden,
Jalan 3, Minden Heights,
11700 Gelugor, Pulau Pinang
15. Tuan Hj Zainal Abidin b Mohamed
Anak Arshad Archtect,
148 Tmn.Wira Mergong,
05150 Alor Setar, Kedah
16. Mr Fung Mun Chin
143-2 Block G, Rampai Court,
Taman Sri Rampai Setapak,
53300 Kuala Lumpur
17. Mr Nadarajah
32 Jalan Teresek,
Bangsar Bahru, 59100 K.L.
Kirkby Alumni Objectives
The Objectives and the Background of the establishment of the Kirkby College Alumni Association, Malaysia (2008):
1. The establishment of the KCAAM is aimed at commemorating Half a Century of Educational Contributions towards the Malaysian National Aspiration (theme of the Grand Reunion Convention 2008) by the Kirkby College graduates (Kirkbyites).
2. To rekindle the spirit of the College with which the Kirkbyites had contributed to the nation for the past fifty years and are still contributing in the service of education.
3. To relive and to close the ranks of comradeship among the former students of Kirkby College made up of ten batches (1951-1962), numbering 1,500 in all. Among this quite a significant number has passed away.
4. To launch two coffee table books, one in Malay and the other in English, the former published by UPSI entitled “Warisan Maktab Kirkby 1951 – 1962” and the latter entitled “Kirkby College – A Heritage” by the Alumni. These two are important documents that contain the historical records of the development of Malaysian education, in particular, in the area of teacher education. These two books should be accorded proper recognition in school libraries, the libraries of teacher training institutes, institutes of higher learning and in public libraries locally and overseas.
5. To continue fostering the academic and professional cooperation with the University of Liverpool and the Liverpool John Moores University through the establishment of twinning programs with the Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris (UPSI), to be known as the Kirkby Programs.
6. To foster teacher education consistent with the Educational Development Master Plan (EDMP) and the National Higher Education Strategic Plan (NHESP) through the smart networking between the educators together with the Institutions in Malaysia and the educators together with the Institutions overseas, in particular, the United Kingdom.
7. Collective efforts with the aim of furthering teacher education by way of fostering closer cooperation between the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Higher Studies so as to maintain the image and the dignity of teachers and the teaching profession.
8. To put together the efforts of the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Higher Studies with the aim of fostering and enhancing the quality of teacher education in Malaysia and possibly later in the ASEAN region.
9. To plan towards putting Malaysia generally and the Malaysian education, in particular, into the edu-tourism world map.
10. To bring together the educational experts in annual or semi annual forums where educators the world over can meet, discuss and witness the development in the field of education and teacher education in Malaysia. This is done in conjunction with the conducted tours where the experts are taken around to see the progress of education here and then they are invited to give suggestions towards the enhancement of our teacher education.
11. To enhance the professionalism of teachers in Malaysia by exposing the local educators to the rapid progress and development in the field of teaching and learning at the international level through an educational Exposition.
12. To establish a fund called the Tabung Pelajaran Alumni Maktab Kirkby by which an annual award is presented to the most eligible local university graduate in the field of education and educational research.
13. To establish a private institute of higher education to be called Kirkby College.
14. To contribute towards the establishment of the National Educational Museum with the cooperation of the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Higher Studies and the Ministry of National Unity, Culture, Arts and Heritage (now changed) Malaysia. It is proposed that the suggested museum be located somewhere in the centre of Kuala Lumpur for easy access. For the time being, Kirkbyites are encouraged to send whatever materials they wish to contribute to the curator of Galleri Kirkby at UPSI.
15. To foster the cooperation between Malaya and England in the Kirkby project (1951 – 62) as a reference model arising from the bilateral and cross border cooperation which had been such a success in the transfer of teaching skills and enhancing of teacher education, from an advanced country (England) to a developing country (Malaya).
Full name:
I/C No:
Current Address
Home Tel. No:
Mobile Tel: No:
E-mail Address
Marital Status
Spouse’s name
Children of Kirkbyite
Secondary School
Years at Kirkby
Involvement in societies
Involvement in sports
Teaching practice at:
CAREER: Teachers at (schools)
Years of service
Non teaching Career
II hereby apply to be a member or associate member of Kirkby College Alumni Associationand agree to abide all rules of the association.
________________________ Name:…………………………………………..
Persatuan Alumni Maktab Kirkby Malaysia,
70 C Jalan SS21/35,
Damansara Utama,
47400 Petaling Jaya.
I enclose herewith a cheque/Money Order No: .......................... amounting to RM100.00 for the payment of being a member of Persatuan Alumni Maktab Kirkby Malaysia.
Name: ………………………………………………. Date: …………………………………..
Friday, July 3, 2009
Yang Amat Berhormat Tan Sri Muhyiddin bin Haji Mohd Yassin, Timbalan Perdana Menteri merangkap Menteri Pelajaran, Dif-Dif Kehormat, bekas pelajar Maktab Kirkby dan para hadirin sekelian.
Saya amat bersyukur pada hari ini atas kehadiran Tan Sri Muhyiddin bin Haji Mohd Yassin, Timbalan Perdana Menteri merangkap Menteri Pelajaran, yang telah sudi menerima undangan kita untuk datang merasmikan Mesyuarat Agung Penubuhan Persatuan Alumni Maktab Kirkby Malaysia. Kehadiran Tan Sri dalam majlis ini amat bermakna dan cukup kita hargai dan sanjung tinggi, kerana walaupun cukup sibuk dengan pelbagai tugas penting di pejabat, Tan Sri sanggup “turun padang” untuk bertanya khabar, mendengar sendiri cadangan atau pandangan kami bekas guru-guru atau bekas pegawai perkhidmatan pelajaran yang telah bersara.
Saya berpendapat kehadiran Tan Sri di majlis ini telah menunjukkan contoh teladan yang baik bagaimana budaya kerja “Satu Malaysia: Rakyat Didahulukan, Prestasi Diutamakan” itu dapat dilaksanakan tanpa banyak halangan birokrasi. Saya sendiri agak terkejut apabila surat jemputan saya dijawab dalam masa dua minggu sahaja oleh Encik Shukur, pegawai di Pejabat Menteri Pelajaran, yang menyatakan Tan Sri bersetuju akan hadir pada 8 Jun, yang memerlukan kami mengadakan persedian dalam tempoh 10 hari. Kata pepatah Melayu “tiada beban batu digalas” maka mahu tidak mahu terpaksalah semua AJK Persatuan digerakkan untuk menggalas pelbagai kerja-kerja persiapan untuk menjayakan majlis ini.
Di kesempatan ini saya ingin mengucapkan terima kasih kepada kawan-kawan dalam AJK Protem yang telah berkhidmat sejak hampir setahun lalu, menjayakan majlis Grand Reunion dan Konvensyen Pendidikan yang berlangsung pada bulan November 2008, dan mereka jugalah yang bekerja kuat selama dua minggu untuk membuat persediaan menerima kedatangan Tan Sri merasmikan majlis ini. Sungguh jelas mereka adalah ULAMAK – Usia Lanjut Masih Aktif, bukan ULAM – Usia Lanjut Malas, bukan juga ULAR – Usia Lanjut Relaks dan jauh sekali jadi ULAT – Usia Lanjut Tidor. Jika ada konsep Pembelajaran Sepanjang Hayat, saya ingin kemukakan konsep “Memberi Sumbangan Sepanjang Hayat” yakni selagi nyawa dikandung badan selagi itulah kita aktif membuat kerja dan amal bakti untuk masyarakat.
Saya juga amat berterima kasih kepada Tan Sri Ismail Adam Ketua Pengarah JPA yang membenarkan kami mengguna fasiliti di INTAN dan kepada Dr Muhamad Hamzah Pengarah INTAN dan Encik Nik Rashid Pendaftar INTAN serta pegawai-pegawainya yang telah memberi pelbagai bantuan. Juga Dato Alimuddin Md Dom Ketua Pengarah Pelajaran, Tan Sri Zulkarnain Awang KSU Kementerian Pelajaran, serta pegawai-pegawai di Kementerian Pelajaran yang cukup menyokong atau ‘very supportive in education matters’. Selain itu saya juga berterima kasih kepada UPSI yang dipimpin Dato Prof Dr Aminah Ayob kerana banyak membantu kerja-kerja kami. Izinkan saya menjual serangkap pantun:
Terima Kasih Daun Keladi,
Daun Keladi tepi perigi,
Bantuan tuan kami amat hargai,
Kalau boleh masa depan bantulah lagi.
Tan Sri dan hadirin sekelian,
Saya agak ramai yang yang mushkil dan tertanya-tanya mengapa hanya sekarang selepas 50 tahun persatuan bekas alumni Maktab Kirkby ini ditubuhkan? Sebenarnya sebuah persatuan alumni Maktab Kirkby telah wujud dahulu dalam tahun 1953 dan bergerak aktif hingga tahun 1975. Oleh kerana pelbagai masalah akhirnya persatuan ini mati tanpa kubur. Selepas itu pelbagai aktiviti alumni Kirkby merupakan ad-hoc termasuklah Perayaan Golden Anniversary 50 Tahun Kirkby pada tahun 2001. Kemudian beberapa batch mengadakan re-union masing-masing hinggalah pada tahun lepas kita menganjurkan Grand Reunion di PICC Putrajaya yang dihadiri lebih kurang 150 alumni Kirkby pelbagai batches.
Tujuan kita menubuhkan Persatuan Alumni Kirkby ialah supaya wujud satu wadah rasmi yang sah di sisi undang-undang, yang mana melalui persatuan ini pelbagai aktiviti yang terancang dapat dilaksanakan, aktiviti-aktiviti yang membawa manfaat kepada ahli dan juga masyarakat. Persatuan ini berkonsepkan “One for all and all for one” yakni kita sama-sama bekerja dan berkorban untuk faedah semua, bukan secara ad-hoc di mana satu dua orang buat kerja yang lain tunggu sahaja bila nak buat re-union. Lagipun saya dan ramai kawan-kawan berpendapat sampai bila aktiviti kita tertumpu kepada Reunion sahaja yang melibatkan kita sama kita sahaja berjumpa beramai-ramai, bercerita peristiwa lama, karaoke dan makan sahaja? Pada pendapat saya tentu kita berupaya dapat melakukan banyak lagi aktiviti kebajikan kepada masyarakat jika wujud satu persatuan yg formal dan sah.
Semangat Bersatu dalam satu Pasukan atau “Espirit de corps” hendaklah dihayati oleh setiap Kirkbyites atau Kirkbians, jangan kita berpecah-pecah mengikut batch, mengikut kaum atau mengikut fahaman politik. Marilah kita kembali kepada semangat semasa kita menuntut di Kirkby dahulu sebagai SATU Malaya (1952-57) tanpa mengira batas-batas bangsa, agama, budaya atau perkauman. Ingat kitalah yang menjayakan eksperimen Kerajann Koloni Inggeris untuk mewujudkan sebuah BANGSA MALAYA yang pluralistik dan haterogeneous di mana pelbagai bangsa Malaya dapat hidup bersama dan berkongsi impian yang sama – Negera yang aman dan makmur yang penduduknya saling hormat menghormati. Malah inilah yang menjadi kebanggaan Kirkby – A Minituare Malaya ini United Kingdom, where Malayans of different races, religion and background, could live and study together, sharing festivals yang sekarang disebut Kongsi Raya. Saya percaya pengalaman selama 2 tahun di Kirkby yang pluraistic and multi culture sangat-sangat dihargai (treasured) oleh kita semua dan diceritakan kepada murid-murid dan rakan-rakan guru di sekolah, bukan untuk glamour tetapi sebagai contoh teladan bagaimana sejak awal tahun 1950-an lagi BANGSA MALAYA bukan satu konsep atau khayalan tetapi satu kenyataan di Kirkby dan selepas eksperimen Kirkby berjaya telah diduplicate di Brinsford dan Maktab Kota Bharu Kelantan dan hari ini hampir kesemua pelajar Universiti dan Institut Perguruan terbuka kepada pelbagai bangsa.
Kirkby is a unique educational experiment and Kirkby stories will be told and retold a thousand times, as long as the Kirbyites are still alive. But all of us are not getting any younger as the pioneer batch is 81 plus (I am already a octogenarian) and the last batch of Kirkbyites is around 70 years, sooner or later we will depart from this world to the hereafter. Being ‘warga mas’ doesnt mean that we should take a long rest, instead we must show example that we are still an asset to the society especially to the education world. As YAB Pak Lah mentioned in his speech in 2004, retirees are in fact “hidden talents, the undiscovered gems”:
Changes to the education system, no matter how ambitious and far reaching, will take time to yield results. We must also think about the hidden talents, the undiscovered gems already in our midst”
(YAB Dato Seri Abdullah Hj Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, Towards A Better Future, 13 Jan 2004)
Daripada kenyataan YAB Perdana Menteri tersebut jelaslah pendidikan negara kita amat memerlukan perubahan menyeluruh khususnya perubahan dari segi pengurusan dan pentadbiran, proses pengajaran dan pembelajaran (P&P) dan juga perubahan dalam kurikulum. Semua pihak perlu digembleng untuk membawa perubahan ini, termasuklah bekas guru dan pegawai pendidikan yang bersara.
Saya berharap Persatuan Alumni Maktab Kirkby Malaysia sebagai NGO yang terlibat dalam pendidikan dapat memainkan peranan sebagai jambatan yang menghubung antara Kementerian Pelajaran dengan guru-guru Kirkby yang telah bersara, supaya Kerajaan dapat memanfaatkan segala pengalaman yang telah terkumpul selama lebih 30 tahun berkhidmat sebagai guru dan pensyarah. Besar kemungkinan Kerajaan akan menimbangkan untuk mewujudkan SKIM PASCA PERKHIMATAN (Post Service Scheme) dalam bidang-bidang tertentu yang kritikal yang kita kekurangan (defisit) tenaga pakar, seperti kekurangan guru bahasa Inggeris, guru Maths dan Sains atau guru sukan. Saya percaya masalah kekurangan guru Inggeris dapat diatasi jika kepakaran dan pengalaman lebih kurang 2,000 guru Kirkby dan 2,000 guru Brinsford Lodge dapat kita manfaatkan melalui Skim Pasca Perkhidmatan ini.
Sekian, dengan lafaz Bismillah Hirrahman Nirrahim saya rasmikan Mesyuarat Agung Penubuhan Persatuan Alumni Maktab Kirkby Malaysia dan saya doakan semoga persatuan ini akan memberi manfaat kepada ahli-ahlinya dan juga dapat memberi sumbang bakti kepada bidang pendidikan dan juga kepada seluruh masyarakat.
Wabillahi-Taufik walhidayah, assalamualaikum dan salam sejahtera.
Yang Amat Berhormat Tan Sri Muhyiddin bin Haji Mohd Yassin, Timbalan Perdana Menteri merangkap Menteri Pelajaran, Dif-Dif Kehormat, bekas pelajar Maktab Kirkby dan para hadirin sekelian.
Saya amat bersyukur pada hari ini atas kehadiran Tan Sri Muhyiddin bin Haji Mohd Yassin, Timbalan Perdana Menteri merangkap Menteri Pelajaran, yang telah sudi menerima undangan kita untuk datang merasmikan Mesyuarat Agung Penubuhan Persatuan Alumni Maktab Kirkby Malaysia. Kehadiran Tan Sri dalam majlis ini amat bermakna dan cukup kita hargai dan sanjung tinggi, kerana walaupun cukup sibuk dengan pelbagai tugas penting di pejabat, Tan Sri sanggup “turun padang” untuk bertanya khabar, mendengar sendiri cadangan atau pandangan kami bekas guru-guru atau bekas pegawai perkhidmatan pelajaran yang telah bersara.
Saya berpendapat kehadiran Tan Sri di majlis ini telah menunjukkan contoh teladan yang baik bagaimana budaya kerja “Satu Malaysia: Rakyat Didahulukan, Prestasi Diutamakan” itu dapat dilaksanakan tanpa banyak halangan birokrasi. Saya sendiri agak terkejut apabila surat jemputan saya dijawab dalam masa dua minggu sahaja oleh Encik Shukur, pegawai di Pejabat Menteri Pelajaran, yang menyatakan Tan Sri bersetuju akan hadir pada 8 Jun, yang memerlukan kami mengadakan persedian dalam tempoh 10 hari. Kata pepatah Melayu “tiada beban batu digalas” maka mahu tidak mahu terpaksalah semua AJK Persatuan digerakkan untuk menggalas pelbagai kerja-kerja persiapan untuk menjayakan majlis ini.
Di kesempatan ini saya ingin mengucapkan terima kasih kepada kawan-kawan dalam AJK Protem yang telah berkhidmat sejak hampir setahun lalu, menjayakan majlis Grand Reunion dan Konvensyen Pendidikan yang berlangsung pada bulan November 2008, dan mereka jugalah yang bekerja kuat selama dua minggu untuk membuat persediaan menerima kedatangan Tan Sri merasmikan majlis ini. Sungguh jelas mereka adalah ULAMAK – Usia Lanjut Masih Aktif, bukan ULAM – Usia Lanjut Malas, bukan juga ULAR – Usia Lanjut Relaks dan jauh sekali jadi ULAT – Usia Lanjut Tidor. Jika ada konsep Pembelajaran Sepanjang Hayat, saya ingin kemukakan konsep “Memberi Sumbangan Sepanjang Hayat” yakni selagi nyawa dikandung badan selagi itulah kita aktif membuat kerja dan amal bakti untuk masyarakat.
Saya juga amat berterima kasih kepada Tan Sri Ismail Adam Ketua Pengarah JPA yang membenarkan kami mengguna fasiliti di INTAN dan kepada Dr Muhamad Hamzah Pengarah INTAN dan Encik Nik Rashid Pendaftar INTAN serta pegawai-pegawainya yang telah memberi pelbagai bantuan. Juga Dato Alimuddin Md Dom Ketua Pengarah Pelajaran, Tan Sri Zulkarnain Awang KSU Kementerian Pelajaran, serta pegawai-pegawai di Kementerian Pelajaran yang cukup menyokong atau ‘very supportive in education matters’. Selain itu saya juga berterima kasih kepada UPSI yang dipimpin Dato Prof Dr Aminah Ayob kerana banyak membantu kerja-kerja kami. Izinkan saya menjual serangkap pantun:
Terima Kasih Daun Keladi,
Daun Keladi tepi perigi,
Bantuan tuan kami amat hargai,
Kalau boleh masa depan bantulah lagi.
Tan Sri dan hadirin sekelian,
Saya agak ramai yang yang mushkil dan tertanya-tanya mengapa hanya sekarang selepas 50 tahun persatuan bekas alumni Maktab Kirkby ini ditubuhkan? Sebenarnya sebuah persatuan alumni Maktab Kirkby telah wujud dahulu dalam tahun 1953 dan bergerak aktif hingga tahun 1975. Oleh kerana pelbagai masalah akhirnya persatuan ini mati tanpa kubur. Selepas itu pelbagai aktiviti alumni Kirkby merupakan ad-hoc termasuklah Perayaan Golden Anniversary 50 Tahun Kirkby pada tahun 2001. Kemudian beberapa batch mengadakan re-union masing-masing hinggalah pada tahun lepas kita menganjurkan Grand Reunion di PICC Putrajaya yang dihadiri lebih kurang 150 alumni Kirkby pelbagai batches.
Tujuan kita menubuhkan Persatuan Alumni Kirkby ialah supaya wujud satu wadah rasmi yang sah di sisi undang-undang, yang mana melalui persatuan ini pelbagai aktiviti yang terancang dapat dilaksanakan, aktiviti-aktiviti yang membawa manfaat kepada ahli dan juga masyarakat. Persatuan ini berkonsepkan “One for all and all for one” yakni kita sama-sama bekerja dan berkorban untuk faedah semua, bukan secara ad-hoc di mana satu dua orang buat kerja yang lain tunggu sahaja bila nak buat re-union. Lagipun saya dan ramai kawan-kawan berpendapat sampai bila aktiviti kita tertumpu kepada Reunion sahaja yang melibatkan kita sama kita sahaja berjumpa beramai-ramai, bercerita peristiwa lama, karaoke dan makan sahaja? Pada pendapat saya tentu kita berupaya dapat melakukan banyak lagi aktiviti kebajikan kepada masyarakat jika wujud satu persatuan yg formal dan sah.
Semangat Bersatu dalam satu Pasukan atau “Espirit de corps” hendaklah dihayati oleh setiap Kirkbyites atau Kirkbians, jangan kita berpecah-pecah mengikut batch, mengikut kaum atau mengikut fahaman politik. Marilah kita kembali kepada semangat semasa kita menuntut di Kirkby dahulu sebagai SATU Malaya (1952-57) tanpa mengira batas-batas bangsa, agama, budaya atau perkauman. Ingat kitalah yang menjayakan eksperimen Kerajann Koloni Inggeris untuk mewujudkan sebuah BANGSA MALAYA yang pluralistik dan haterogeneous di mana pelbagai bangsa Malaya dapat hidup bersama dan berkongsi impian yang sama – Negera yang aman dan makmur yang penduduknya saling hormat menghormati. Malah inilah yang menjadi kebanggaan Kirkby – A Minituare Malaya ini United Kingdom, where Malayans of different races, religion and background, could live and study together, sharing festivals yang sekarang disebut Kongsi Raya. Saya percaya pengalaman selama 2 tahun di Kirkby yang pluraistic and multi culture sangat-sangat dihargai (treasured) oleh kita semua dan diceritakan kepada murid-murid dan rakan-rakan guru di sekolah, bukan untuk glamour tetapi sebagai contoh teladan bagaimana sejak awal tahun 1950-an lagi BANGSA MALAYA bukan satu konsep atau khayalan tetapi satu kenyataan di Kirkby dan selepas eksperimen Kirkby berjaya telah diduplicate di Brinsford dan Maktab Kota Bharu Kelantan dan hari ini hampir kesemua pelajar Universiti dan Institut Perguruan terbuka kepada pelbagai bangsa.
Kirkby is a unique educational experiment and Kirkby stories will be told and retold a thousand times, as long as the Kirbyites are still alive. But all of us are not getting any younger as the pioneer batch is 81 plus (I am already a octogenarian) and the last batch of Kirkbyites is around 70 years, sooner or later we will depart from this world to the hereafter. Being ‘warga mas’ doesnt mean that we should take a long rest, instead we must show example that we are still an asset to the society especially to the education world. As YAB Pak Lah mentioned in his speech in 2004, retirees are in fact “hidden talents, the undiscovered gems”:
Changes to the education system, no matter how ambitious and far reaching, will take time to yield results. We must also think about the hidden talents, the undiscovered gems already in our midst”
(YAB Dato Seri Abdullah Hj Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, Towards A Better Future, 13 Jan 2004)
Daripada kenyataan YAB Perdana Menteri tersebut jelaslah pendidikan negara kita amat memerlukan perubahan menyeluruh khususnya perubahan dari segi pengurusan dan pentadbiran, proses pengajaran dan pembelajaran (P&P) dan juga perubahan dalam kurikulum. Semua pihak perlu digembleng untuk membawa perubahan ini, termasuklah bekas guru dan pegawai pendidikan yang bersara.
Saya berharap Persatuan Alumni Maktab Kirkby Malaysia sebagai NGO yang terlibat dalam pendidikan dapat memainkan peranan sebagai jambatan yang menghubung antara Kementerian Pelajaran dengan guru-guru Kirkby yang telah bersara, supaya Kerajaan dapat memanfaatkan segala pengalaman yang telah terkumpul selama lebih 30 tahun berkhidmat sebagai guru dan pensyarah. Besar kemungkinan Kerajaan akan menimbangkan untuk mewujudkan SKIM PASCA PERKHIMATAN (Post Service Scheme) dalam bidang-bidang tertentu yang kritikal yang kita kekurangan (defisit) tenaga pakar, seperti kekurangan guru bahasa Inggeris, guru Maths dan Sains atau guru sukan. Saya percaya masalah kekurangan guru Inggeris dapat diatasi jika kepakaran dan pengalaman lebih kurang 2,000 guru Kirkby dan 2,000 guru Brinsford Lodge dapat kita manfaatkan melalui Skim Pasca Perkhidmatan ini.
Sekian, dengan lafaz Bismillah Hirrahman Nirrahim saya rasmikan Mesyuarat Agung Penubuhan Persatuan Alumni Maktab Kirkby Malaysia dan saya doakan semoga persatuan ini akan memberi manfaat kepada ahli-ahlinya dan juga dapat memberi sumbang bakti kepada bidang pendidikan dan juga kepada seluruh masyarakat.
Wabillahi-Taufik walhidayah, assalamualaikum dan salam sejahtera.
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Tuesday, January 27, 2009

This photo taken more than 50 years ago, is produced to rekindle the nostalgia of cold morning of 25th January 1955, i.e Chinese New Year Day at Kirkby College. That memorable Year of the Goat and eventful Dragon Dance procession was a thing of the past but can still be remembered by most of us, the septuagenarian Kirkbyites.
In heralding simultaneously the traditional Festive Celebration in Malaya, the Kirkby Dragon Dance Troupe comprising of Chinese students of classes 1953 – 54, clad smartly in Mr Wooley’s black, woollen, track tops and white pants, went around the college premises with great excitement and enthusiasm. The beating of the small drum, handed down by our seniors, had awakened the residents. They peeked curiously out of their windows at the Dragon Troupe, cheering and shouting “Happy New Year”.
Every member had once in their life time opportunity to outshine their skills in beating to near perfection the correct rhythm of the typical tune and manoeuvring dexterously the tiny dragon head along the cemented paths between the black gloomy blocks of Kirkby campus buildings.

The Tunku at Kirkby. Behind him is Tunku Yusof Jewa (with songkok),
his nephew, a student at Kirkby (1956 - 58).
Kirkby, February 7, 1956 –
The Chief Minister of the Federation of Malaya, Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra today made the historic announcement that his country would be fully independent on 31st August 1957.
Addressing about 300 Malayan students, lecturers and certain high ranking officials at the Malayan Teachers’ Training College in Kirkby near Liverpool, the Tunku said, “For the next few months, the new greeting at meetings in our country will be ‘Merdeka!’. ”
“I can now make the disclosure that I have just returned form the Constitutional Talks with the Government of Her Majesty. The talks went off very well indeed – so well, in fact, what we had set our minds to get, we got. Other matters which we discussed have been settled amicably. The talks began in an atmosphere of friendliness and cordiality and ended on that very happy note yesterday afternoon.”
A beaming Tunku then announced, for the first time to the world, that the country’s independence or Merdeka would be on 31st August 1957. The jubilant students, standing up immediately, began clapping and enthusiastically shouting, “Merdeka! Merdeka! Merdeka!” amidst a battery of flashing cameras and whirring cine film gadgets of all sizes.
When the clapping and shouts of joy had somewhat subsided, the Tunku, smiling broadly, told the students, “I knew you would be happy to hear it.”
Speaking without notes, the charismatic Prince told the audience that when he and his team had first set out from Malaya, there had been two parties – those representing the Alliance, and those representing the Rulers. But, by the time they had arrived in England, there were not two parties but one.
“We had reached London determined to obtain self-government and independence, and had been prepared to quarrel about it. But, after the talks had gone on for no more than a day, we found that we had won over Her Majesty’s Government to our side,” added the Tunku.
When the intermittent clapping and cries of jubilance had stopped, the Tunku continued, “Important tasks still lie ahead. Our independence is won. We must retain it all costs. We had worked hard to get it. We must work very much harder to retain it. We have enemies all around us. There are also enemies within.”
On a historic note, the Tunku told the audience that a remarkable coincidence had recently been brought to his attention by an article in a Malayan Magazine. He said, “It was one hundred and seventy years ago that the first Treaty had been signed between Malaya and England, between one of my own ancestors, the King or Sultan of Kedah, and Captain Francis Light, to cede off Penang Island. That was in 1786. It is now 1956. I have just concluded negotiations that would result in the return not only of Penang but of the whole country.” This resulted in another salvo of clapping and shouts of “Merdeka!”
The students and staff had been told on advance of the impending visit of the Tunku and his party which included Education Minister Dato’ Abdul Razak, but one had the slightest inclination that the Tunku would make such a historic announcement at the Kirkby College, even before leaving for Malaya which was waiting eagerly for his return.
As part of the preparation to welcome the high ranking visitors, the Kirkbyites (as the students call themselves) and the staff of the College had taken great pains to decorate the compound and the Main Assembly Hall. Palm trees and potted flower plants lined the entrance. Flags and buntings adorned the Hall. And all the students had put on their best multi-coloured national dresses – sarong, kebayas, saris, Punjabi costumes and cheongsams. Many were in their freshly ironed three piece lounge suits and smart College blazers, with the colourful crest sewn on it.
Waiting to welcome the visitors were Sir Dr. James Mountford, the Vice-Chancellor of the University of Liverpool, who was the Chairman of the Board of Governors of the College and other members of the Board, the Principal Mr. G.J Gurney and his staff and members of the Students Council.
As soon as the visitors and everyone had taken their seats in the Hall, the students with a thunderous united voice sang the College song, “The Golden Chersonese.”
One of the highlights of the historic occasion was a special speech by Dato’ Abdul Razak, who outlined the history of the development of education in Malaya and how it had progressed over the years. The setting up of the Kirkby College itself was part and parcel of the rapid progress of education in the country, he explained.
The students and other guests were then shown a film of the historic meeting of the Tunku with Chin Peng, the general-secretary of the Communist Party of Malaya, a clandestine terrorist organization.
By a sheer coincidence, among the audience during Tunku’s visit was a student, Tunku Abdul Aziz bin Tunku Ibrahim (1954 – 56), a Student Councilor and the Editor of the College Magazine, The Panduan. His father, Tunku Ibrahim was the OCPD of Police Headquarters in Jitra, North Kedah, who had accompanied the Tunku to the Baling Talks with Communist Party of Malaya headed by Chin Peng. Tunku Abdul Aziz was the founder of Transparency International and now one of the Vice President of DAP.
Tunku at Kirkby on Feb 7
BY: GERARD TAN (Son of Amy Lai, Kirkby 1952-54)
Kirkby is located located 10 miles north-east of Liverpool, in the metropolitan Borough of Knowsley and Merseyside County.
BY: GERARD TAN (Son of Amy Lai, Kirkby 1952-54)
Kirkby is located located 10 miles north-east of Liverpool, in the metropolitan Borough of Knowsley and Merseyside County.
It was founded in circa 870 AD, settled from 1086 AD with a early population of 70 people, headed by Molyneux family. From the 16th century, the land where the college stood was fields which formed part of the lands of the Molyneux family (subsequently created the Earl of Sefton in 1771).
First railway line 1848, was built from Liverpool to Bury, passing Kirkby. East Lancashire road was built in 1935.
The college site (56 acres) was sold by the 7TH Earl of Sefton (together with other land to the north east and south west of Kirkby) to The Minister of Supply. The Minister of Supply was the minister in the British Government responsible for the Ministry of Supply, which existed to co-ordinate the supply of equipment to the British National Armed Forces during World War Two.
Royal Ordinance Factory (ROF Kirkby), a Ministry of Supply’s ammunitions factory, was built before the war in 1939 and completed in 1941. At its peak the factory employed 20,000 workers.
Kirkby Fields Hostel was built nearby to accommodate around 1,000 workers from the factory. The hostel also opened its doors to all to help alleviate the housing shortage during the war. The workers hostel occupied the same grounds of the Kirkby College.
At the end of WWII, the Board of Education established an Emergency College at Kirkby Fields Hostel, to address the shortage of teachers in the country. In 1947 the 52nd Emergency College (out of 55) opened in Kirkby. The last Emergency College course was completed in 1951.
In 2nd January 1952, the first batch of Malayan students arrived at Kirkby College. The college trained about 1500 teachers and 405 teacher trainers. In December 1962 saw the last of the Malayan students and closing of MTTC Kirkby or Kirkby College.
First railway line 1848, was built from Liverpool to Bury, passing Kirkby. East Lancashire road was built in 1935.
The college site (56 acres) was sold by the 7TH Earl of Sefton (together with other land to the north east and south west of Kirkby) to The Minister of Supply. The Minister of Supply was the minister in the British Government responsible for the Ministry of Supply, which existed to co-ordinate the supply of equipment to the British National Armed Forces during World War Two.
Royal Ordinance Factory (ROF Kirkby), a Ministry of Supply’s ammunitions factory, was built before the war in 1939 and completed in 1941. At its peak the factory employed 20,000 workers.
Kirkby Fields Hostel was built nearby to accommodate around 1,000 workers from the factory. The hostel also opened its doors to all to help alleviate the housing shortage during the war. The workers hostel occupied the same grounds of the Kirkby College.
At the end of WWII, the Board of Education established an Emergency College at Kirkby Fields Hostel, to address the shortage of teachers in the country. In 1947 the 52nd Emergency College (out of 55) opened in Kirkby. The last Emergency College course was completed in 1951.
In 2nd January 1952, the first batch of Malayan students arrived at Kirkby College. The college trained about 1500 teachers and 405 teacher trainers. In December 1962 saw the last of the Malayan students and closing of MTTC Kirkby or Kirkby College.
Kirkby Urban District was gazetted in 1949 as a new town and a Kirkby District Council created in 1957. Kirkby’s neighbouring towns: Bebington, Birkenhead, Bootle, Crosby, Fazakerly, Formby, Halewood, Heswall, Hoylake, Huyton, Maghull, rescott, Rainhill, Southport, St Helens, Wallasay, Whiston.
In 1963 the easternmost part of the site was conveyed by the Minister of Aviation to the Urban District Council of Kirkby. In 1979, the remainder of the site (approx 25 acres) was then sold by The Secretary of State for Defence to Knowsley Borough Council for £15,000.
In the mid 1990’s, the land holdings were split across three new titles, presumably to accord with the different housing developers. The south western part of the land was developed by Redrow Homes (Lancashire) Limited, the eastern part by McLean Homes North West & Cheshire Limited and the northern part by Rivermead Homes Limited
The ground where the MTTC once stood is now a residential area and populated by houses.
Kirkby’s current population is about 41,000, with peak about 52,00 in 1961.
Monday, January 26, 2009

When told by the English “escort” who had been accompanying us from Tilbury Port, London, (they turned out to be our future lecturers) that our final destination was just a few minutes away from the Kirkby Railway Station, we suddenly found new vigour to put extra “oomph” in our strides and couldn’t wait to see what our home for almost two years would be like. We had great and high expectations. After all, this was England, the nation that had once ruled vast portions of the Earth. It was Great Britain, architect of magnificent buildings and planners of mighty cities.
A brisk walk took us to the college campus. What confronted us was a cluster of dismal-looking black, longish single-storied blocks. Was this our campus? Shock and horror! And as though that was not depressing enough, long, zigzagging, fat, black pipes threateningly loomed high above our heads, as we trod and slipped and slipped and trod and made our way in the college “campus”, our home-to-be. Neither gardens nor greenery did we see anywhere. Compounded by the biting and howling wintry wind and the dark and damp evening sky, the scenery that frowned upon us completely shattered our dream.
Contrary to the mirth and laughter on board the ship and elsewhere, surprisingly, almost every one of us was silent, absorbed in his or her own thought. But, later during dinner we somewhat regained our traditional Malayan spirit and composure when we were served hot rice and crab curry. Yes! Hot crab curry similar to that back home! We learnt later that a local major shipping company, the Blue Funnel Shipping Line, which had close-connections with Malaya, had seconded five of their cooks who knew a thing or two about Asian cooking.
I was not sure whether it was the depressing cold, the sudden home-sickness, the tiredness, the first-day blues or the crab curry, which made me sleepy. But no sooner had I slipped into my comfortable single bed (which was made up like a sleeping bag) in my very own heated room (thanks, as we learnt later, due to the fat, ugly overhead pipes), when I fell asleep, “sleep, beloved from pole to pole, slip into my soul!”
The next few days were Majlis Suai Kenal (Orientation Week), so to speak. Upon entering the Hall, we were surprised to read “Selamat Datang Ke Kampong Kirkby” pasted on the backdrop of the stage. We were officially introduced to all lecturers, getting to know the lecturers personally, getting to know the various locations of the lecture rooms, the Library, the “Quiet Room”, the Assembly Hall, the Sick Bay, the Recreation Hall, the Dining Hall, and the Principal’s Office and the administration staff. We also familiarised ourselves with sporting facilities such as the indoor and outdoor courts and the “Padang” (playing field) below which a thousand rabbits had burrowed their homes.
Despite our earlier shock at the sight of the College, after a while we became very fond of the campus and equally fond of all the people helping to run the college. The cleaning maids, the kitchen helpers, the gardeners, the bus drivers, the office staff, all became part of our family. Kirkby was our home away from home. All the students were Malayan and we became a united community and turned our college into a little Malaya. It became our beloved “Kampong Kirkby” (Kirkby Village).
And on the 7th January 1952, the pioneer students of the Malayan Teachers’ Training College, Kirkby, assembled in the Assembly Hall and were formally welcomed by the Board of Governors of the College, headed by Sir J.F Mountford, Vice-Chancellor of the University or Liverpool. Nine months later, the second groups of students arrived, making the total enrolment of 300 teacher trainees. Ten months later, on 17th November, 1952, the Malayan Teachers Training College, Kirkby, fondly referred to as The Kirkby College, was officially opened by the Right Honourable Mr. Oliver Lyttelton, Secretary of State for the British Colonies.
The subjects we had to learn were rather exacting and varied. Principles of Education, Child Psychology, Health Education, English, Malay Language and so on. And we could choose an optional subject too such as maths, science, music, woodwork, physical education or art and craft.
A much-talked about activity was a project undertaken by the students from the Woodwork Department. With advice from some staff and one or two dockyard workers, the students showed their skill by building a boat or sampan. They named it ‘The Harimau’ (Malayan Tiger). The whole college was excited when the Principal, Mr. Robert Williams and his wife were invited to launch it and row it along the Liverpool Canal. We watched breathlessly, it didn’t sink! We gave a thunderous applause. For the first time, we saw our strict Vice-Principal, Mr. G.J Gurney actually laughing loudly and clapping. It was a great day.
In Kampong Kirkby, we students organized many interesting social activities, including folk and social dances. We presented stage performance called Malayan Medley to display our multi-cultural talents by performing Malay, Chinese, Indian and Portuguese dances and wide variety of songs in several languages. Every year the College staged several successful Malayan Plays and the locals were invited to see the play performed in the Hall. Through these cultural performances the name “Kampong Kirkby” spread throughout Merseyside and we received invitation from various organizations in Liverpool to perform cultural dances.
We organized special celebrations during Hari Raya, Chinese New Year, Deepavali and Christmas. In order to share the festival and joy, we invited not only our lecturers but also many friends around Kirkby and Liverpool.
Although we were in Kirkby for just about two years, we were exposed to an all-round life-long educational experience. It was an exciting and practical down-to-earth exposure. Beside academic subjects and intensive professional training to become teachers, we also learnt the importance of cultivating a humanistic and caring society, and the importance of living together in a tolerant and united close-knit community. One had to experience it to really know what it meant for a group of young Malayans to be housed in one campus for two years to be trained as teachers in the foreign land almost 8,000 miles from Malaya.
kirkby story in Brit's magazine
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
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